Programme for CoHo Hui 2023

June 23rd 2023

The Collective Housing inspiration starts on Thursday 22nd June with the opening of the Aotearoa Collective Housing Exhibition at 5:30pm.

Join us at CoHo Hui on Friday 23rd June for a day of talks, workshops, exhibitions and conversations to help build more Collective Housing in Aotearoa. The day will roll out over the two sessions below.

Then make a weekend of it by joining us for site visits of three local collective housing projects on Saturday 24th June.

Morning Session


Arrival & Registration — 8 - 8:30 am

Arrive at AUT.

WA 224 - Conference Centre. 55 Wellesley Street East, Auckland.

Welcome & Introduction — 8:30 - 9.30 am

Opening and welcome.

International Keynote Speaker — 9.30 - 10.15am

Keynote: Robert Temel - An independent architectural and urban researcher in Vienna. Robert will speak on his knowledge of collective housing in Austria, Germany and Switzerland with a focus on key enabling financial mechanisms for projects and overcoming roadblocks.

Morning Tea — 10:15 - 10:35am

Local Keynote Speaker — 10.35 - 11.10am

Keynote: Ian Mitchell - Property Advisor for Livingston and Associates. Ian will speak about the limitations of New Zealand's current tenure environment, international comparisons - specifically those mentioned by our first keynote speaker Robert Temel, and how barriers and enablers impact on the growth of alternative affordable tenures.

Local Keynote Speaker - 11:10 - 11:45am

Keynote: Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Whakatōhea) is an architectural designer, writer, and Senior Lecturer at School of Future Environments, AUT. She leads a small team at Matakohe Architecture and Urbanism, a Whangārei-based kaupapa Māori design studio that she founded in mid-2018. Matakohe works with Māori organisations on their marae, papakāinga, and civic projects, and with mana whenua groups to express their cultural values and narratives through the design of their physical environments. She will be speaking about indigenous knowledge of collective housing and the ways Maori are working to express cultural and environmental values through different ways of building and owning homes.

Collective Housing Project Panel — 11.45am - 12.45pm

Presentations from the following projects throughout Aotearoa; Cohaus, Urban Habitat Collective, Takaka Cohousing, Masters Thesis (Matangireia Yates - Francis), Buckley Road Cohousing and AHHA

LUNCH — 12.45 - 1.30pm

Afternoon Session


Political Panel — 1.30 - 2.50pm

With an upcoming election, we explore what political parties will be offering in relation to collective housing.

Afternoon tea — 2.50 - 3:10pm

Workshop Sessions — 3:10 - 4:40pm

A series of discussion workshops exploring key aspects of Collective Housing.

Building connections, sharing our mahi — 4.40 - 6pm


Saturday Site Visits

9 - 10:30am

26 Aroha

Built and run by husband and wife team Jules and Blair MacKinnon, 26 Aroha apartments provide highly sustainable community supported living to people who rent. Described by NZ Green Building Council as ‘world class’, and the recipient of multiple architecture and interior design awards, it has also embraced some of the best in overseas apartment design. Come and hear the story of how it came about, how it works, and what it is like to live there.


10:30-11am Self arranged transport to next location




Cohaus is a multi-unit housing complex of 20 units on a 2407sqm north facing site in Grey Lynn, Auckland. The group self-organised over several years and worked with architects and future residents, Studio Nord, to develop the design following co-housing principles. Cohaus won the SEANZ 2021 Best Environmental Impact award for sustainable design and has been shortlisted for the 2023 NZIA Auckland local awards. Residents hope Cohaus offers practical inspiration and solutions for future higher density housing and community building in Aotearoa.


12:30-2pm Self arranged transport and lunch




Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood is a suburban co-housing development of 32 homes and common facilties in Ranui, West Auckland. Completed in 2008, Earthsong was committed from the start to being a model of socially and environmentally sustainable urban living, and was a finalist in the World Habitat Awards. Earthsong continues to offer tours, resources and experience to support collective housing initiatives.